What is your job title?
- Senior academic advisor
- Oversees a team of 6 advisors who support undergraduate engineers
- 3 academic senior advisors report directly to her
- Collaborates with 3 advisors from the Center for STEM Diversity, HFE, and Computer Science
- Carmen Lowe is a counterpart for the School of Arts and Sciences
What does your job entail?
- Talking with students in a student-centered approach
- Aims to understand where students are coming from and their goals
- Addresses academic difficulties, strategies for success, and connection to campus resources
- Manages academic probation cases
How many students do you advise?
- Advises approximately 150 students out of 1,300 engineering students
- Meets with 5 students this week
What is a perfect outcome for when you see a student?
- Helps students achieve their goals and overcome academic challenges
- Ensures students feel a sense of belonging and trust in the institution